
Mixed Media

Prairie Quilt Plaster Relief on Barnwood 38x52inches July 2014

Prairie Quilt

Prairie Quilt
Plaster Relief on Barnwood
38″ x 52″

Inspired by the feminine and masculine of agriculture, the land and hand crafts. This mixed media piece is currently on loan to Calgary Reads at their front desk.

Bar Code Plaster Relief on Barnwood 38x58inches July 2014

Bar Code

Bar Code
Mixed Media on Barnwood
38″ x 58″ (can be hung portrait or landscape)

Bar Code – The Story

Standing in line for groceries recently, I considered that no one was talking to anyone else. In fact, numerous people looked pretty grumpy waiting their turn in line. Even the cashiers looked like they would rather be someplace else.

I flashed back to growing up in Innisfail. Our family purchased groceries at Fred’s Food Market. Fred was always in the produce department when we walked in. I am sure he was the “greeter” model. He knew everyone in town and was happy to see everyone too. Conversations were part of the experience. Being updated and knowing “the kids” were doing well was important and he always wanted to know if he could help find anything. If Fred had ever run for mayor I am sure it would have been a landslide victory. Edie was the main cashier. She always asked how little Eddie (my dad) was and had updates on things we may need to know. She would let us know of anyone who needed help or should be checked on in town. There were no bar codes on anything we purchased then. She had prices memorized so she could participate in the important aspect of shopping at Fred’s – US.

Bar code is inspired by these two very opposite experiences.

In the poem – A Farmer’s Creed, you can read the words;
I believe many of the best things in life are indeed free; the splendour of a sunrise, the rapture of wide-open spaces, the exhilarating sight of your land greening each spring.

Our time here is limited. In the end, what will matter is the authentic connection we have with each other.

Ed's Elevator 22 Mixed Media on Barnwood 11x62inches July 2014

Ed’s Elevator 22

A Wild Rose Plaster Relief on Barnwood 36x60inches July 2014

A Wild Rose

A Wild Rose
Plaster Relief on Barnwood
36″ x 60″

Alberta Bouquet Plaster Relief on Barnwood 18x22inches July 2014

Alberta Bouquet

Alberta Bouquet
Plaster Relief on Barnwood
